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Join the Family

We are unapologetically human.

We’re not asking you to pledge yourself to an institution or join a social club. Becoming a member makes coming to church feel like coming home.

Our family aims to have the same characteristics of all healthy families: to provide shelter, fun, and nourishment; to challenge ourselves to learn and become; to always make room for guests and new family members.

When you become a member, we ask you to commit to four things.

The Four Is:

  • Imagination Four Is


    We aspire to be a place of co-creation rather than a place of consumption. We believe the Spirit speaks to and through each of us, so it is imperative that we hear what you have heard. What are your dreams for this family? As a community, we seek to combine our unique gifts, ideas, and desires for the common good.

  • Investment Four Is


    Every family has needs: bills to pay, food to put on the table, and projects around the house. Members commit to invest in our community with our time, our abilities, and our money. God has provided enough to satisfy these needs within our community. It looks different for everyone, but it only works if we all do our part.

  • Intercession The Four Is


    We are committed to centering our stories on the person and practices of Jesus. As spiritual beings, how we evolve and expand in our individual faith directly impacts how we evolve and expand as a community. Members are committed to their own spirituality with sincerity and to serving their neighbors with an embodied and active solidarity.

  • Invitation The Four Is


    Who is on the outside looking in? Who is searching for meaning and a place to belong? Because of our unique social circles, our members are well-positioned to invite others to explore life in this family.

What’s next? Fill out the form below. Not quite ready? No problem. Let us know, and we can talk through your questions.